Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One Step at a Time & Cheers

Wow! I almost forgot I actually have a blog on here! Well, it's certainly been a crazy couple months for me. I have some words to live by, for myself, and anyone else that needs that reminder that if you just take One Step at a Time- things won't be so overwhelming, or bad.
I am back to being single, after a break up with Brandon. Although it was a tad bit painful, I have accepted that I am VERY capable of healing, forgiving & moving on. I made the decision a long time ago to not let someone else bring me down and cripple me from anything that I want to do, or be.... and SO, with that... here I am- still standing and smiling!
I recently visited AZ to see my mom & family there- I will post pictures on here (as soon as I figure out how! haha) We enjoyed the visit w/ some shopping, lunches, my new tattoo, a trip to the mountain, and just being with eachother and spending time. I miss Arizona so much sometimes. My heart really is torn between two places, its a difficult feeling.
I am moving out of my house in SE portland. Will be rooming with my sister Amber for the summer in Vancouver. We are transforming the garage into a lil studio for myself and Madison. This will allow me to gather some ground, make decisions and save MONEY! :) (that's always a good thing) My wonderful neice Breyanna has accepted the summer time position of daycare for her at a VERY reasonable rate! (luv ya Bre) :)
With all of this coming up very soon I will be busy, busy. Staying busy is a good thing tho-
I have been absolutely LOVING the weather, and can't wait for many more weekends of fun at the river & pool and hangin' with friends and family!!
May I just add also- I don't know what I would do without my best friends and sisters... They are my everything (next to Madi :)
Cheers to a FUN, HAPPY & SAFE SUMMER!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Holidays

Madison and I spent Christmas Eve with Brandon, his parents, and kids at his Grandma's house. We had dinner and opened presents. We also took a trip over and visited Mike also. He wanted to see Madison. On Christmas morning, Madison, Kristin, Jennika and I opened gifts. Madison got a nintendo ds from Santa- then she got the game from Mike and I. She proceeded to ask me how I knew that Santa had gotten her a DS, I just told her "oh, I called him!" ; )
I am thinking that next year might be the year that she finds out that Santa is not real.
Later on Christmas afternoon we went to my Dad and Step moms' and visited them, and the rest of the crew. Brandon met the rest of my family that I have here in Oregon- I don't think he thought we were that crazy or strange cuz he is still around! yay! :)
Overall Christmas was good. Brandon and I officially became Girlfriend/Boyfriend which feels so weird- but a good weird :)
For New Years Eve we are going to Astoria- to my friends Karen and Shannon parents. It will be fun to just chill out and play some poker and bring in the new year. Madison will be going with us, she wants to see her friend Mackayla.
Other than that- that is the latest in my life. I hope everyone has a SAFE and HAPPY New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008


We are in Vancouver right now- spent the night with my sister and Corey. Got drunk had some laughs! GOOD TIMES!!! Heading back to Portland soon so that we can watch the BLAZERS kick some ass... WE HOPE! There is so much snow- we are hoping that we make it back to Portland. Brandon has confidence that we will!! Work was closed today, and probably will be tomorrow. This 'artic freeze' is crazy. Just in time for a white Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So, your curious about BRANDON!

Well- here it goes! :) I canceled my wedding with Mike due to some trust issues we were having. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. At that point- I knew that he could potentially be going to jail for a charge that is a couple years old- and I really felt like everything was falling apart. Well he landed himself in jail at the end of Oct and I realized that I needed to move on with my life. Close the chapter of a 10 year relationship that has caused me more drama then most people have in their entire lives! I decided then to tell Mike that I will be moving on with my life, I do love him-but I just am not in love with him anymore.

I went to this bar on Nov 29 to watch a football game- and started talking to this guy Brandon after I had embarrassed myself and poured a beer all over me. Once we started talking, we didn't stop. We have seen eachother everyday since the night we met. We have A LOT in common, and have REALLY enjoyed being with eachother. SO at this point- BRANDON- is the guy I am dating! :)
I didn't think that I would be able to move on so fast, nor did I want to- so we are taking things slow since we both have just left long time relationships. BUT- my hopes are that things work out! So, that is who Brandon is! I think MOST people would approve! lol

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm new!! (and improved)

My wonderful friend Laura introduced me to blogging (i.e. forced me to create one by doing it on her own and AT WORK nonetheless! ahh the joys of getting paid to play on the internet...) as I enter a different phase of my life, with all its ups and downs. Feel free to stop in and read what Madison & I are up to, say hello (or not...STALKERS ;) ) and try to keep up with the Reynolds.

As a new blogger, I am hoping to now talk less at work to y'all who are interested in my life, and now just BLOG TO EVERYONE ALL AT ONCE!! Till next time....

Chanda Tasha Marie